
Databases are incredibly prevalent -- they underlietechnology used by most people every day if notevery hour. Databases reside behind a huge fractionof websites; they're a crucial component oftelecommunications systems, banking systems,video games, and just about any other softwaresystem or electronic device that maintains someamount of persistent information. In addition topersistence, database systems provide a number ofother properties that make them exceptionallyuseful and convenient: reliability, efficiency,scalability, concurrency control, data abstractions,and high-level query languages. Databases are soubiquitous and important that computer sciencegraduates frequently cite their database class as theone most useful to them in their industry orgraduate-school careers.Course DescriptionThis course covers database design and the use ofdatabase management systems for applications. Itincludes extensive coverage of the relational model,relational algebra, and SQL. It also covers XML dataincluding DTDs and XML Schema for validation, andthe query and transformation languages XPath,XQuery, and XSLT. The course includes databasedesign in UML, and relational design principles basedon dependencies and normal forms. Many additionalkey database topics from the design and application-building perspective are also covered: indexes, views,transactions, authorization, integrity constraints,triggers, on-line analytical processing (OLAP), andemerging "NoSQL" systems.

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